May You Have Auspiciousness and Causes of Success

6 years ago today, I started a month-long challenge that I like to call A Month of Mays. It was inspired by Jason Mraz’s song, Have It All. The first year, I just took snippets from the song lyrics, and created artworks to go along with them.
But the next year, it became something more. I wrote wishes that started with the word “May” from my heart, and it became something I am still very proud of. So, except for 2020, when I was too overwhelmed navigating through remote instructions with a first grader, I kept up some form of it every year, whether it be on my Instagram or on this blog.
This year, I want to return to the root of it and revisit my original Jason Mraz posts. My oldest is graduating from high school this year, and the song Have It All is a perfect vehicle to convey all I want to say at this point in time. It’s also a song that he was supposed to sing for his middle school graduation in 2020, which never happened. With all that in mind, I feel it’s very fitting to call upon this song to help us both to look back at our own growths and to look forward to the new beginnings.
Tashi Delek! May you have auspiciousness and causes of success!