Healing Art

Tag: Energy Healing

We Are Earthlings : We All Are One

How are you handling the events of the past week? Are you feeling anxious? Helpless? Frustrated? Probably all of the above, and many more. My dreams are war-related. I dreamt of a memorial along a fence with toy after toy lined up to represent each of the dead. I...

Before You Give Up on Meditation

Meditation. It’s a word that has become quite mainstream in the last decade or so. Even my kids do breathing exercises in gym class now. But in a world where multi-tasking is a virtue and entertainment fits inside your pocket, meditation takes some time getting used to. I know...

New Black and White Kaleidoscope Mandala Design

My creative energy often comes around in cycles. Sometimes, I really have to write and don’t want to be bothered with illustrations. Sometimes, I really want to draw and struggle to write. And then once I’ve released a majority of what I needed to express in words or in...

How to Live Comfortably with Your Period

After writing about being comfortable with our bodies and about the miracle of our conception, I don’t think I can ignore the big issue of our monthly period. I have yet to meet a woman who enjoys having a period. I’m not one either, but I have developed an...

Wisdom Hidden in Japanese Words with 気 Ki

Since I’ve been doing so many journaling prompts, let’s take a break and talk about reiki 霊気. Two Chinese characters, 霊 (rei) or spirit, and 気 (ki) or universal energy, make up the word reiki.  In this context, 気 is the Japanese equivalent of Chi or Qi in Chinese...

Who’s the Healer?

Now that I’ve got the introductory information out of the way, I can finally write about topics that I’ve been itching to share! Today, I’ll get started on Reiki Study Hall, which I hope will be a place where reiki students and anyone interested in energy healing can come...

How I Found Reiki, or How Reiki Found Me

Before I start going into the more finer points of reiki, I thought I’ll talk about how I arrived at this energy healing method in the first place. One thing that surprises most students of reiki, unless you’re Japanese like me, is that it is not very well known...

Why Is It Important To Heal Your Soul?

Do you have a bad habit that you just can’t break? Have you gone on diets only to gain back everything and then some more? Do you have physical discomfort that won’t heal even though your doctor can’t find a reason for it? We’ve all spent a good majority...